Motivation is a desire for something. You cannot give someone else motivation – this is a new concept for many people – often people that have struggled with exercise consistency before.
Understanding motivation leads to greater success – for example, while I may know the optimal exercise selection to get a specific result, your desire to perform them is a greater factor in you getting the result than the actual exercises I select.
Here’s what we know about motivation:
- Success is a stepping stone to greater desire/motivation and often we need success first!
- Success has to KEEP happening.
- We don’t always recognize success when it happens. We’re pretty hard on ourselves (do we realise how much fitter and healthier we are than 95% of the country – or do we worry about not being as fit as someone else in the gym?)
Gym chains, 24 hour centres, and class based studios really just provided access.
Great gyms provide success. We strive to be (and I hope we are) a great gym!
We track every client and we care about them making progress. We keep a history of the best they have done on every exercise. We measure fitness, strength, and other health markers where appropriate.
What we have not done so well, is reflect on the good that has happened and how well things have gone – and we have not always helped others acknowledge their successes often enough either.
The practice of thankfulness doesn’t come naturally to anyone. As an Englishman – I think I am probably amongst the worst at self congratulation and positivity seems a bit self indulgent. So I need to practice as much as anyone.
Practice is hard (like training). And just like training, we don’t feel like doing it but we always feel better once we have.
“Bright Spots Friday” is our new practice of gratefulness. Every week in the NWF Community group, we’ll post our “Bright Spots”: things that went right, things we are celebrating, and little ‘wins’ from the week.
Bright spots won’t always be exercise or training related (“I told my boss I work better from home, and he agreed”) but practicing gratitude and thankfulness is an exercise and our Bright Spots are part of our training plan.
The first time, you may be reluctant to post your Bright Spots. “I don’t really know these other people that well…they don’t want to hear about my life.” Or “I don’t want to share all my personal stuff…”
So – each week our coaches will go first, since we need to train too. I will encourage you to follow with one tiny little Bright Spot. Make it workout-related to start, if that’s easier. What did you do right, or do best, or do for the first time this week? We will share these in the private NWF – Community FB Group.
What seems small or insignificant for you may also help build the desire and the confidence in others within the group.
We’re all family here. It’s a safe place. Look within, and start your weekend happy.